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Jo Brand's epic reply to our email

After the Pep Up Pig trouble we decided to contact Jo Brand to make sure she was ok for us to use her picture on our latest single 'Dinner Lady'.

It was a nice surprise to hear back from her directly, here's what Jo wrote to us:

Hi Magician’s Nephew Band,

Thanks very much for your message about using the the very charming picture of me in the film 'Horrible Henry' as a dinner lady.

I have decided to take you to court….only kidding, it’s fine by me.

However, as it’s an image from a film you might want to check out what rights the film company have over the photo. (...)

Would love to come to your gig, but sadly I have a modelling assignment in Hawaii. Alright, that’s not true either. But I am working.

Good luck and hope Lex has a nice birthday. Look forward to seeing you on MTV.

Love, Jo Brand


Magician's Nephew Band

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